Minor in Global Studies

A Global Studies minor is a flexible and valuable complement to any major, minor, or certificate across the University. Adding a Global Studies minor offers students the opportunity to develop linguistic expertise and a comprehensive understanding of global issues, while incorporating cultural competence into their undergraduate degree and professional skill set.

Students interested in the Global Studies major should contact the academic advisor, Dr. Cybele Arnaud (arnaud@cua.edu) to devise a study plan.


The GS minor consists of 6 courses:
  • The core class (GS 101)
  • 2 intermediate language courses (103 & 104) in languages including:
    • Arabic
    • Chinese
    • Irish
    • Italian
    • French
    • German
    • Spanish (107 & 108 or 110 & 111 can be substituted to 103 & 104)
      Students who place out of 103 will enroll in one elective course, while students who place out of 104 will enroll in two elective courses. Students may also opt to use their electives to learn another language.
  •  1 practical language skills/cultural competence course, such as:
    • ANTH 101 - Cultures in a Global Society
    • CHN 240 - Global Business Communication & Cultures
    • GER 500 - Reading for Comprehension
    • SPAN 207 - Advanced Spanish for HealthCare I
    • SPAN 402 - Translation in International Affairs
      This is just a short sample of courses offered. Contact the undergraduate Advisor for additional options which may better suit your interests.
  • 1 regional focus course on one of the following regions:
    • Africa
    • Asia
    • Europe
    • Middle East
    • The Americas
    • Multiregional
  • 1 global issues courses. Global issues can include but are not limited to:
    • Communication, media & the arts,
    • Diplomacy, global economy & trade,
    • Ecology, sustainability & the natural world,
    • Health & equity,
    • Migration, communities & global citizenship,
    • Peace & conflict resolution,
    • Science & technology,
    • Society, leisure & work
** Students can count up to two courses towards their Liberal Arts Curriculum requirements.
** Students can double-count up to two courses with another major or minor.