Chiara Gastaldi, M.S. | Washington, D.C. | Modern Languages and Literatures - School of Arts and Sciences - Catholic University, Washington, DC | CUASkip to main content
Chiara Gastaldi is a part-time Lecturer of Italian and the coordinator of the Italian Club in the Department of Modern Languages at Catholic University of America.
She holds a M.S. in International Comparative Relations and Development Policies from Ca’ Foscari - University of Venice and a B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Verona. In 2014, she spent a semester at the University of Technology of Sydney, studying Education and International Studies.
Her research interests regard the protection of cultural heritage both in armed conflicts and post-conflict. In particular, the role of cultural heritage in the Mediterranean area as a key to identity preservation and sustainable development.
Prior to joining the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the Catholic University she worked for an UNESCO International Organization agency that promoted Italian literature and history and in an Amnesty International office helping to organize educational events in public schools.
She also works as an Instructor and Cultural Event coordinator at the Italian Cultural Society of Washington D.C., a non-profit organization which aims to promote Italian cultural heritage in the US through the Italian Language Program, cultural events and scholarships.